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Recommended Treatment Plan


Always follow your health care professionals instructions.  While the following are recommendation only, they are based on the Vibralung Acoustical Percussor applying principles of sound to the respiratory system.  One such property is resonance, and another is the smaller the structures the higher the frequencies.


Generic Treatment Plan



The Vibralung Acoustical Percussor is a medical device that generates frequencies from 5 – 1,200 Hz.  The vibrations cause the respiratory system to react in several different ways.  Resonance causes the mucus to vibrate, shearing it from the airway walls, and liquefying it.  This make it easier for the body to expel the secretions.  Another appears to help reduce inflammation and constriction of the airways to improve breathing.



The Vibralung Acoustical Percussor may help immediately or may take some time.  Because the largest airways have the lowest frequencies the first step is to clear them.  This will create a clear path for mucus cleared further down in the lungs to be expelled.   After any L - Low, M - Medium, or H - High treatement use the R2 setting thought to open up the airways.


The R2 and R5 settings, which generate random noise for two minutes and five minutes respectively, appear to have a relaxing effect on the entire respiratory system.


Treatment Plan:

  • Two or three times a day on L - Low, followed by R2 until the mucus production has diminished.

  • Two or three times a day on M - Medium, followed by R2 until the mucus production has diminished.

  • Two or three times a day on H - High, followed by R2 until the mucus production has diminished.

  • Twice a day rotating L, M, and H, each followed by R2.


If you do three treatments a day and this seems to dry you out reduce the treatments to twice a day.  Additionally, if patients feel a particular place in the treatment is especially beneficial, they are encouraged to use the "Treatment Hold" feature to stay at that four tone pattern for up to two minutes of additional treatment time.


A typical treatment regimen:

  • Twice a day on L - Low plus R2 for a week.

  • Twice a day on M - Medium plus R2 for a week.

  • Twice a day on H - High plus R2 for a week.

  • Twice a day rotating L, M, and H plus R2 for a week.



The doctor may have tested the patient for breathing capacity using a peak flow meter or a spirometry panel, and for oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter before beginning the Vibralung Acoustical Percussor treatments.  If the doctor has exhaled nitric oxide testing capability, this analysis may help the doctor determine the extent of any airway inflammation prior to treatments and improvement in reducing the inflammation afterward. 


Over time the patient should see diminished mucus production, lowered breathing rate, reduced coughing, improved breathing ease, and test results showing improved lung function.  As these improvements are seen, the patient may move to a maintenance plan.


Asthma Treatment Plan



Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.  It causes recurring periods of wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing.


Treatment Plan:

  • Morning R5 treatment, mid-day R5 treatment if needed, evening L - Low followed by R5 for a week.

  • Morning R5 treatment, mid-day R5 treatment if needed, evening M - Medium followed by R5 for a week.

  • Mornings continue with the R5 treatments, and alternate the evening treatments between L and M followed by R5.


If the patient experiences any exacerbation, they should immediately do a R5 treatment which may be repeated up to three times as needed.  Return to twice a day treatments - mornings continue with the R5 treatments, and alternate the evening treatments between L and M followed by R5. 


The primary causes of asthmatic reaction (allergic, exercise or weather) should be reduced to as much as possible.  For exercise induced asthma, treat with R5 before and possibly after exercise. This action appears to minimize the airway response to exercise.



Typically by the end of the first month the patient will experience:

  • Reduced coughing

  • Easier breathing

  • Reduced mucus production

  • Improvement in lung function tests

  • Quality of life improvemen


Asthma Maintenance Plan


Reduction of treatments is not the goal and should only be attempted as symptoms diminish.


Asthmatic exacerbation may develop very quickly but generally the patient may see a reduction in frequency and severity during the first month of treatments.


Now the patient may find they need fewer treatments over time, that is the treatments may be spaced out, first to once a day alternating R5 and M - Medium, then one every other day.   By this time the doctor and the patient should have some understanding of what settings works best.  Treatments may be reduced to three times a week, to once a week, to just several times a month, and lastly only as needed.


COPD and Cystic Fibrosis Treatment Plan



Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is used to describe progressive lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, refractory (non-reversible) asthma, and some forms of bronchiectasis.


Lung diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF) and COPD are associated with chronic airway inflammation and mucosal airway obstruction.


Treatment Plan:

Typically the patient follows the general treatment plan above, however more R2 or R5 should be added especially for CF, emphysema, refractory asthma, and bronchiectasis.  These treatments may be added mid-day or R5 may be used rather than R2.



Typically by the end of the first month the patient will experience:

  • Reduced coughing

  • Easier breathing

  • Reduced mucus production

  • Improvement in lung function tests

  • Quality of life improvement


If all of the indicators are positive, the doctor may evaluate the patient for establishing a maintenance plan.  Otherwise continue with the general treatment plan making sure to alternate all three settings, L, M, and H followed by either R2 or R5.


Pneumonia Treatment Plan



Pneumonia is an acute situation where the lungs are overwhelmed with secretions from viral, bacterial, or fungal infection.  The Vibralung Acoustical Percussor is a good adjunct therapy to any drug protocol.


Treatment Plan:

A typical treatment regimen:

  • Three times a day on L - Low, followed by R5 for a the first day

  • Morning L - Low plus R5, evening M - Medium plus R5 until symptoms abate.



It may take only three or four days, but may take as long as a month depending on the severity, duration, and the patient's resilience, amongst other factors.


Generic Maintenance Plan


Reduction of treatments is not the goal and should only be attempted as symptoms diminish.


At the end of the first month and if the indicators show marked improvement, the patient may be evaluated for a maintenance plan.  Factors to consider: diminished mucus production, reduced cough, or improvement in breathing ease, and test results showing improvement in lung functions.


For any chronic or long-term diseases, it is advisable to continue treatments.  While the treatments may be spaced further apart, it is important to continue treatments at least once per week to keep the airways cleared.

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